
All posts for the month December, 2011

A Very Special Review

Published December 7, 2011 by adamcewan
  • My dear friend, Anne won one of my candles through a contest I was having on my Facebook page.  I was delighted that her name was the one that was plucked from the jar!  She also chose a scent that is very special to me.  Blueberry Pie is one of my Mother’s favorite.  The heavy scent of blueberry pie baking wafting through my nose, taking me back to the time we “tried” to make 0ne!  “Try” being the keyword, but we had a lot of fun that night!  I love how certain scents can stir up once forgotten memories.

“Hea y’all this is a new different review from me I am going to tell y’all about Raven Hollow Candle Company!!! I received a candle from Ada McEwan from a contest I chose my sent of Blueberry pie and let me start with this, the candle is in a beautiful glass jar with a very subtle tag on it representing the company. As soon as I opened the box I could smell the overwhelming aroma of sweet pie. I unwrapped it to reveal a lovely candle I removed the lid and wow was all I could say. The candle smells good enough to eat, and safe enough too. I lit the the moment I opened it and the smell over took the whole house it was amazing!!! It burns clean no obnoxious black smoke or nasty smell. Upon lighting it the following day I noticed that the same smell over took the house it is intoxicating unlike expensive candles its safe for animals if left open and unlit and the smell still permeates the room just having the jar open. I would and have recommended these candles to all my friends because it’s a worth the price treat for any house. I myself will be ordering lots more from her and trying all the scents I can get cause they are beautiful and enjoyable. Well Done Ada what a great candle to own…”  Anne Wallace