
All posts for the month January, 2012

A Time Of Reflection

Published January 1, 2012 by adamcewan

 2011 was CRAZY busy, at times I would find myself working on three different writing projects at any given moment.  Book one in my Raven Hollow Series suffered a setback when 80 pages of  bloody justice and erotica were “accidentally” deleted.  My words had inspired my husband to write a certain psychobilly song for his band, The Blacktop Ramblers.  He set the stage and pace for me to jump back in and write it even better (I hope, anyway).  My historical romance is going, albeit a bit slow to my liking.  I continue to unearth juicy, tidbits of information as I read through my ancestors journals and go through scrapbooks and now I want to write about everybody and everything I come across!  Did I mention I am also a chandler and  a librarian?

As I embark on the new year, I reflect on my many journeys of 2011.  While my health has had its up’s and downs, I feel I have the upper hand in controlling my demon called Still’s.  But for the most part, I am in control of “ME” again!  Looking back to where I was two or three years ago and the me of today, I am proud in how far I’ve come!

  As of today, I have poured 300 pounds of wonderful, organically grown soy wax and have lost 45 steroid induced pounds!  Not many pounds left to get to my goal.  I have met the most wonderful people along the way, I love to hear how one of my candles brightened someones day, or the emails from strangers saying they smelled a Raven Hollow Candle and want to get some of their own.  I will always be improving and adding new products and things.  Valentines Day is soon upon us and I am scheming some amazing things!

A thing of beauty

 I always believe “things” happen for a reason and I am even more inclined to believe it.  I have also learned that there are reasons why certain people from the past should remain there, no matter what conniving and deceitful lies they tell you to try to get back in.  Ex’s are ex’s for a reason.  I often ponder if writing a thank you note would be deemed proper or improper?  Hmm…