
All posts for the month July, 2012

“Bella Morte” Release Date Is Now August 4th!

Published July 20, 2012 by adamcewan

Mark your calendars now!  Bella Morte” is now slated for release August 4th instead of August 1st.  Please join all of us on Facebook and our publisher, Hot Ink Press.  I apologize for the short post, but my time is at a premium at the moment!  Have a great day everyone!



18 Days and counting!…

Published July 14, 2012 by adamcewan

So the release of “Bella Morte” is in 18 days (not like I am counting down the days or anything), am I nervous to have my friends and family read my first erotic piece?  You betcha!  My Mom, who I love with all my heart and has done nothing but support and love me my entire life wants to read it!  She has always supported my writing,  When I was a teen I dragged out all my clothes in my closet and put in my desk and typewriter.  My closet had turned into my creative retreat.  I had adorned the walls with quotes and song lyrics that inspired me.  My Mom put up with the sound of my typewriter long into the night when I couldn’t stop until I could finish at a good stopping point.

Normally, I wouldn’t have any problem with anybody reading my works, but erotica?  While I love to read and write it, I know it is not for everybody.  Do I think some members of my family will be unhappy with it?  Of course, I am positive of it.  I can only hope that they will understand where I am going with my Raven Hollow series.  The birth of my series had to start somewhere and why not start with a forbidden love?