Victoria Kinnaird

All posts tagged Victoria Kinnaird

Interview with Eren from The Red Sun Rises…

Published August 31, 2013 by adamcewan

Cover Red Sun Rises

I’m very happy to host my pub sister, Victoria Kinnaird on her blog hop for her novel “The Red Sun Rises.”  Several people wanted to ask the character, Eren a few questions and we decided to throw him into the hot seat!  While this is a YA book, it gives us back the real vampires and isn’t just another vampire novel.

“Eren Anderson is a freak among freaks. At 17 years old, he doesn’t fit in with his peers in the tiny town of All Hallows and despite being born into it, he most certainly doesn’t fit in among The Order of Our Mother, the secret nature worshipping society that has harnessed the ability cast spells and believes vampires are not only real, but their deadliest enemies. Eren is turned into a vampire after an attack by the local coven master, but that is the least of his worries…”

Here are the questions you wanted to ask Eren.  What a fun interview this was for me!

What is your biggest fear of being a vampire in a world of humans?

Pitchforks and torches.  On a serious note, I’m scared of hurting someone, mostly.

What are some disadvantages of being a vampire…besides the obvious ones?

Oh, you mean beside staying young and beautiful and healthy forever? I’m still fairly new to the fang gang, so I haven’t really experienced anything in terms of disadvantages. I think it’ll get lonely, later. You know, when all my friends and family are dead. Oh, and I’ll never be able to buy a drink without getting asked for ID. That’s going to suck. Pun intended.

What’s the hardest part of being a vampire, the thirst or watching the world move, change, and die around you?

I think this is one of those questions that’s better answered a couple of decades down the line. Right now I’m just enjoying being able to run really fast without losing my breath. I miss pizza though, so it’s not without its hardships…

 What do you think about when you are with friends and/or family?

“Geez dad, where the hell did you get that shirt?” “Beige is not a valid colour.” “One day you’re going to be dead and I’m not and I don’t know how I’m going to handle that. Ooh, coffee.”

What is your favourite colour?

Black. It’s the colour of my soul / heart / majority of my wardrobe.

What do you think about the change in fashion as it evolves?

As long as skinny jeans stay fashionable, I’m happy. It’s a bit hard, thinking about the evolution in fashion, when you have a boyfriend who has more frock coats than denim jackets. He’s the fashionista, I’m just glad when my clothes don’t smell.

What type of music do you like listening to?

That depends. Everything on the alternative side of the line is usually a sure fire winner with me, but I’ve been known to stray into pop music occasionally. Rock music owns my soul, though.

 What’s your favourite thing to hate?

Perky people. It’s like, what the fuck? Take a break from the constant sunshine, will ya? It hurts my eyes.

What drives you when you feel the odds against you?

I don’t like being told what to do, whether that’s a person or a situation trying to make me behave a certain way. The desire to be my own person and live my own life pushes me more than anything. Oh, and I just love pissing people off.

 Are you a cat or a dog person?

Neither. Animals don’t like me, even before I got fangs.

 If you were on a deserted island what would be the three things you would take with you?

Corbijn, Andy and a lifeboat.

Do you like cake?

I used to! I can’t digest food anymore, not really. But yes, I like cake. BUT I CAN NEVER HAVE IT. Wait, I change my answer, that’s the hardest part about being a vampire. The lack of cake.

What’s your favourite word?


There you go, Eren in a nutshell… 

Go follow author, Victoria Kinnaird on her FB page:

Join in on the fun at her release day party:

Follow Author Victoria on her blog hop!

Red Sun Rises